Well it’s been a busy year for us so far! Canada 150 is being celebrated nation-wide. And lots of folks are joining in the festivities and flying the flag. Of course we support that! It’s the perfect occasion for flag flying.
Consequently, one of the most asked questions we’ve had this year is; “Can I fly the Canada 150 flag and the Canada Flag on the same pole?”
The easy answer is: No. Etiquette for the National Flag of Canada states that while in Canada, the National Flag of Canada should be flown on it’s own pole. Is it against the law to fly the flags together on the same pole? No. These are etiquette rules that are encouraged.

The other major consideration is the pole itself. Flagpoles are specifically designed to hold certain weights and winds. Before you go flying two flags from your flagpole, consider the pole and the weather where you are. A wet flag in high wind can cause lots of stress on a pole, the weight and wind stress of two flags could cause damage. Check the specifications of the pole if you can and usually there is information on the recommended flag size.
If you insist on flying two flags from the same pole, here is what we would recommend; the Canadian flag should ALWAYS fly above any other flag on the same pole. Due to the weight of two flags, take them down in bad weather. This will give your flags a longer life, and maybe save your pole and/or bracket.
If you have more than one flagpole and are unsure of the order in which to display the Canada 150 and the National Flag, just keep in mind that the Canadian flag should always be in the position of honour. If you have three flagpoles for example, the Canadian flag would fly on the centre pole. If you have two flagpoles, the Canadian flag would fly from the left pole as seen from an observers perspective. The Canada 150 flag is officially listed as an “organizational flag” and should be treated as such.
You can check out the list of do’s and don’ts for the Canadian flag at Heritage Canada’s website or you can see our version of it here on the Flags Unlimited site.
Hopefully this helps you with your flag flying questions. As always, don’t hesitate to contact us. We love hearing from you!
Happy Canada 150!