Flags Unlimited has become a sort of landmark location for the thousands of people who head North to Cottage Country each weekend. With so many flags and banners on our property, they look forward to seeing what will be flying next.
There are over 20 Canadian and Provincial flags flying from the roof top of our building. We can’t tell you exactly how many, that would be no fun for the car rallies that we know ask that as a question in their scavenger hunts. These flags are changed every few months to keep them looking their best. After all, the life span of a flag is 3-6 months.
If the flags aren’t enough, we also have a total of 28 RotoArm banners and 3 Windtrackers around the property. Each are 14′ tall! We change all of these banners each and every season. They are grouped together with 12 on the back lawn, 8 on the front lawn along Hwy 400 and another 8 along St.Vincent Street near our entrance. We continuously tell our customers that putting flags or banners up in multiples has major impact. Well, we practice what we preach. More is Better. They create a sort of soft wall that stands out on the landscape. They’re constantly fluttering and the movement is eye catching.
But don’t just take our word for it. Take the word of the many people who actually take the time to call or email us to let us know how great the banners are. It’s really amazing and inspiring. A lot of work is put into creating these large banners four times a year. It’s nice to know people notice. Our most recent set is all birds of Ontario. Who knew there were SO MANY bird enthusiasts out there? We started getting calls immediately after they went up about how much people loved them.
The idea of multiples is that you can group similar images together and create a cohesive message or look. All the banners could be exactly the same, or be different, but the impact comes from the quantity. It’s intentional and purposeful and it makes people look. You see it more often than you realize. Think of your local downtown. Are their street banners on all the lamp posts? That model home in the subdivision near you, does it have a bunch of flags? The big shopping mall in your area, are their banners flying on light standards? We bet the answer is Yes.
So when you need a statement piece, permanent or temporary, think of doing multiple banners. It works.
As for all you folks starting into the weekly road trip up (and back down) to Cottage Country, we hope we “add a little something” to your drive. Enjoy and we hope to see you soon!